Brodie's reward for going "poopy on the potty". Hey it worked! Train place in Findlay, OH.
We could not get him to leave!!!
Fun on the Merry-Go-Round....
Another trip to the Ft. Wayne Zoo.
Brodie's Pirate Birthday- September 22
Monday, November 10, 2008
Okay so sorry that I haven't been on here in forever but we've had some major computer issues as of late. Now that our computer is fixed I can't seem to upload any pics from my memory card so that might be a little bit yet. Things here are going fairly well. I just started babysitting again part-time and take Gavin to preschool the other days. We've all been sick off and on recently which is oh so fun. Joel's sister just had a baby girl on Nov. 8th, Caroline Jean (aka CJ) and she is gorgeous! I just love brand new babies, they are so innocent and precious. It's like a little gift from God to me when I get to hold and mush all over them. :) Well, I will continue to work on uploading some birthday and fall pics hopefully soon.