Friday, April 22, 2011

Praise the Lord!

Well, God is so good......Vanya has a family!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome. 

A bit about what's going on with our adoption- We are moving forward still. We may be moving at a snails pace to some but I can see the big picture and it's like moving mountains to me. Today, Good Friday, Joel has off and wonderfully the offices that we need to be open are so we got some of our dossier paperwork notarized, got one county certified, and will be getting our passport apps in to the post office. It feels so nice to check things off the list and know that those things are taken care of. Now we continue to pray that these documents don't have to be redone because of errors and that everything will go through smoothly.

Praises God for His wonderful gift of His Son on this Easter weekend! I can't imagine not having that sacrifice for my sins so that I can be forgiven over and over again. Thank you Jesus!

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