Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We overnighted our agency agreement papers (signed and notarized) and our first fee of $8,615.00 on Tuesday! I was so excited! I kinda felt like we would never reach this point, not that I don't have faith in what God can do but it's kinda always been my way of protecting myself. If I don't get excited or think of the worst that can happen then I'm not too disappointed or shocked by the results. I know it might not be the best thing but I'm working on that. :) Well, thanks to our blanket fundraiser, generous donations, our savings, my babysitting job and christmas gifts we came up with a little over half of what we needed. We did have to take out a loan for the other portion but hopefully with tax rebate time coming around we can pay that off soon. Our next step is to start our home study and dossier paperwork. I hear this is crazy but I'm ready for it (okay maybe not really ready but just ready to be "doing" something). On the 16th our church is doing a dinner fundraiser for us and another family in our church that are adopting. I feel so blessed and very greatful for what they are doing. I'll write more later when we actually receive our packet and I get to see what we are in for. ;)

1 comment:

Bekah said...

yay! that's awesome. so exciting.